Lead Effectively with Critical Thinking and Clear Communication
The world needs ethical leaders who know how to think critically, solve problems and communicate clearly. Answer the call with a major in Ethics and Leadership.
Why earn your Ethics and Leadership degree at St. Edward’s?
Our Ethics and Leadership program provides you with opportunities to hear from local leaders and discuss ideas with your peers.
To integrate and apply what you’ve learned in the classroom, you can intern with a business, nonprofit or government entity. Along with gaining experience in the professional world, you will analyze the organization’s activities — as you did in your courses — by writing a detailed research paper that focuses on the entity’s leadership practices and how they advance just outcomes.
Study Abroad
Broaden your understanding of how business decisions are made and how leadership varies across cultures. You’ll be able to study abroad at more than 20 St. Edward’s partner universities across 5 continents. Or take your studies almost anywhere in the world through another international education provider. You can also choose to intern abroad, helping increase your cultural agility, add to your skill set and expand your global network.
What will you learn?
Confidently navigate difficult ethical situations, learn to critically solve problems and clearly communicate with different audiences. This program can teach you how decision makers might make better choices to promote equity and justice.
Courses in Communication and Business will include hands-on projects to apply what you’ve learned. A few examples of courses students take in the major:
- In Social Responsibility of Business, you’ll participate in a service activity in the community and write a paper about the experience. You’ll also work in a team to create a new product or service for a company that will meet a social need for an underserved community.
- In Principles of Marketing, you’ll do a marketing simulation as an experiential learning assignment.
What skills will you gain?
Upon completing the Ethics and Leadership program, you’ll be ready to…
- Effectively communicate complex situations to a wide range of audiences.
- Confidently assess a situation and provide an appropriate conflict resolution.
- Develop expertise in reasoning and ethical analysis specific to legal, medical or environmental ethics.
- Analyze case studies to help you apply what you’re learning to make ethical decisions concerning real-life dilemmas.
Explore Details About the BA in Ethics and Leadership
Major Requirements: Bachelor of Arts with a major in Ethics and Leadership requires 27 hours of major courses.
General Education Requirements: The Ethics and Leadership degree requires 21 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives. See the degree plan for the Ethics and Leadership major.
View and download the full degree plan for our Ethics and Leadership major.
Hilltop Views, the weekly student newspaper, is published both in print and online. Student journalists report news from the campus and greater Austin community. You can get involved as early as your freshman year as a writer, editor, photographer or designer.
Sorin Oak Review is a literary magazine that showcases the poetry, prose and artwork of St. Edward’s students. Working on the editorial staff is a great way to gain experience in project management and the practical details of putting together a publication.
Arete is a student-produced academic journal that publishes student-written research, nonfiction essays and commentary. Editors choose from among the dozens of submissions to create a cohesive journal that represents a variety of perspectives.
New Literati is a student-produced journal of both academic and creative work.
B. Hooved is the student humor journal, inspired by our Hilltopper goat mascot.
The Philosophy Club discusses a brief reading, movie or podcast that’s relevant to a theme the members have chosen for the semester. As a member, you’ll discuss ideas and debate with fellow students who are interested in philosophy and history.

Earn Two Degrees in Five Years
With our Accelerated Graduate Pathways, you can complete your BA in Ethics and Leadership and master’s degree in Organizational Leadership in as little as five years, saving time and money. See details and requirements.
Success coaches and academic advisors guide you through undergraduate and graduate courses to maximize benefits.